Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Names of things you never knew had names.

I knew a few of these.
clipped from
AGLET - The plain or ornamental covering on the end of a shoelace
ARMSAYE - The armhole in clothing.
CHANKING - Spat-out food, such as rinds or pits.
COLUMELLA NASI - The bottom part of the nose between the nostrils
DRAGÉES - Small beadlike pieces of candy, usually silver-coloured, used for decorating cookies, cakes and sundaes.
A dangling curl of hair.
The metal band on a pencil that holds the eraser in place.
The small metal hoop that supports a lampshade.
KEEPER - The loop on a belt that keeps the end in place after it has passed through the buckle.
KICK or PUNT - The indentation at the bottom of some wine bottles. It gives added strength to the bottle but lessens its holding capacity.
LIRIPIPE - The long tail on a graduate's academic hood.
MINIMUS - The little finger or toe
OBDORMITION - The numbness caused by pressure on a nerve; when a limb is 'asleep'
PEEN - The end of a hammer head opposite the striking face.
SCROOP - The rustle of silk.
SPRAINTS - Otter dung.
WAMBLE - Stomach rumbling.
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