Wednesday, July 09, 2008

First 10 - Weird English Words

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20 Weird English Words

English is a wonderful language with some of the strangest pronunciation rules and words that come from many other languages. This is a list of 20 weird English words.


1. Erinaceous

Like a hedgehog

2. Lamprophony

Loudness and clarity of voice

3. Depone

To testify under oath

4. Finnimbrun

A trinket or knick-knack

5. floccinaucinihilipilification

Estimation that something is valueless. Proper pronunciation based on Latin roots: flockə-nowsə-nəkələ-pələ-fək-ation.

6. Inaniloquent

Pertaining to idle talk

7. Limerance

An attempt at a scientific study into the nature of romantic love.

8. Mesonoxian

Pertaining to midnight

9. Mungo

A dumpster diver - one who extracts valuable things from trash

10. Nihilarian

A person who deals with things lacking importance (pronounce the ‘h’ like a ‘k’).

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